Allergie à la cacahouète chez l’enfant à risque : comment la prévenir ?
Du Toit G et al. Randomized trial of peanut consumption…
Du Toit G et al. Randomized trial of peanut consumption…
Patel RM et al. Causes and timing of death in…
Lee J et al. Oropharyngeal colostrum administration in extremely -premature…
Caserta MT et al. Early developmental outcomes of children with…
Kramer EAH et al. Defecation patterns in infants: a prospective…
Sipola-Leppänen M et al. Cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents born preterm.…
Vriezinga SL et al. Randomized feeding intervention in infants at high…
Revello MG et al. A randomiezd trial of hyperimmune globulin to prevent…
Boralevi F et al. Clinical phenotype of scabies by age. Pediatrics, 2014;133:e910-16.…
Van Dongen T et al. A trial of treatment for…